Fitness without Fear is now on Amazon!

Hey everyone, its finally official, my book is available for sale!

For those of you who pre-purchased an ebook, you should have received this by now. If you haven’t, please email me and let me know:

For those of you who ordered paperbacks, I put in my order for author copies this morning. I should receive those in the next week or so and then I will begin shipping them to you individually.

I’d like to ask you all for one more (well actually its two) favor. My publisher has set the price for my ebook to $2.99 for the next 30 days. The reason for this is that the more books I sell in the next few weeks, the higher my book will rank and will be more likely to come up in searches by amazon customers. Hopefully this will boost my exposure and overall sales. So, if you don’t mind, please share this link with your friends, colleagues, and family members who you think would benefit from reading my book.

If you have read my book and would be so kind as to leave me an Amazon review, I would very much appreciate that as well. Again, reviews will boost my ranking on Amazon and make my book more visible in searches, etc. If you did not purchase my book through Amazon (most of you received an advance copy or pre-ordered through Indie-gogo), you need to mention that in your review or Amazon may not share your review. So you can begin your review with “I received an Advance Reader Copy of Fitness without Fear . . “ or “I pre-ordered Fitness without Fear through a campaign on Indie-gogo . . .”

Thank you for all of your input and support. I could not have done this without you.

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